We have updated our privacy policy, and it is active from May 25, 2018.  This new privacy policy explains in detail the types of personal data we may collect about you and/or your business when you interact with us.

More importantly, it also explains how we’ll store and handle that data, and keep it safe…

If you want to cut straight to chase, click here to view the new privacy policy.


Why have you written this new privacy policy?

As part of our attitude to customer service and transparency, we want you to be fully informed about your rights, and how Snell Mitchell & Co. uses your data.  By writing this new policy. we hope the new sections will answer any questions you have but if not, please do get in touch with us.


What’s included in the new policy?

To make it easier to read and digest, we’ve broken the policy down into easy-to-read segments:

  • Who are we?
  • When we can use your information
  • When do we collect your personal data?
  • What sort of personal data do we collect?
  • How we protect your data
  • How long we keep your personal data
  • Where your data may be processed
  • Your choices and rights over your data
  • How can you stop the use of your personal data for direct marketing?
  • Contacting the regulator with your concerns


When will it change?

It’s likely that we’ll need to update this privacy policy from time to time so it’s important that you keep up-to-date with any changes.


Has anything else changed?

As part of the GDPR legislative changes we have also introduced a new cookie policy, which details everything we use cookies for and why.  It also contains information on what cookies actually are, and even how long they remain active for.


Have your other terms and conditions changed?

As with all companies, we regularly review of trading terms and conditions.  You’ll be pleased to know though that there have been no changes as part of the GDPR review process.


If you have any other questions, or queries – please get in touch with us.