Our web site and blog are changing over the Summer of 2020.  You’ll notice changes to the look and feel of our site as well as its content – as we focus on what we’re best at…

Like a lot of British businesses in 2020, we’ve gone through some serious change.  Some good, some bad – but ultimately for the better, ensuring our survival for years to come.

You may notice that a lot of our articles that came from third-party or client sources won’t be appearing on our web site anymore.  It’s not that we didn’t like them, in fact you will still see them on our Twitter and Facebook pages.  So, if you’re not already following us on social media – get online and hit the button.

We’re still going to be writing and uploading updates about things that are most important and the Knowledge articles will still be uploaded.  Our customers told us in 2020 that they found the Knowledge articles particularly handy for their WordPress, Magento, SellerDeck and other web sites.  With that in mind, we’re also discontinuing support for new SellerDeck clients at the end of 2020 too.

It’s not all take, take, take though.  We will be adding details of new services and have begun adding our Corporate Social Responsibility policies.  These will include our environment, equality & diversity and modern slavery statements to begin with.  We’ve also added a new email newsletter subscription service so you can receive up-to-the-minute updates and a shiny new jobs page.

We’re still here for you – probably a little bit closer without the physical relationships while the Coronavirus pandemic subsides and we learn the ‘new normal’.  If you need us, whether a new or existing client, please contact us and get in touch.

Further updates on the progress of these changes will be announced as and when they’re ready so keep your eyes peeled…